Friday, February 19, 2016

They're Back

You may remember reading this, my post recalling the moment I was arrested in Rochester back in 2013. Well, once again, my co-defendant is back in jail on new charges. And, not to be outdone, another old friend who I sold drugs with (allegedly) and spent some time in St. Cloud with, is in jail for a first-degree sales charge, the same charge I was arrested for. It's a vicious cycle. Since the following is public information, I will post it unedited. This is just a little glimpse into the life I used to live.
The pistol is going to hurt him. Whatever his prison sentence is, and it will be a lengthy one, five years will be added to the end of it, and judges don't have any leeway on that in this state. I don't feel sorry for him or think he's being fucked by "The Man." He made some bad choices and lost sight of the important things in life. I will write to him and offer my support from out here in hopes it has some effect on him in the long run.

Katie, as we've referred to her in previous posts, is only in for a fifth-degree possession, but she will likely see prison time because of her extensive criminal history involving meth. I hope the best for her and all my friends, past and present, but the law does not take kindly to multiple repeat offenders. Or, for that matter, people doing really well, as has been my experience over the past 20ish days.

One of my agents stopped by and gave me a breathalyzer and a urinalysis, and asked me how things were going and if there was anything new. I stopped myself before saying anything rude, and simply said no. How much can be new when all I'm allowed to do is go to work and meetings? Fucking great question, Vince. I'm glad you asked it. Here's the answer, "nothing!"

Yeah, it's getting a little old, boring, uneventful out here. It's Friday night, and I'm cooking dinner for my mom which should be pretty good. I'm making fried chicken, saffron rice, and some sort of little salad (without croutons) on the side. We haven't had dinner together for a while so it should be a nice little evening.

And that's really all I've got. I know it's a short post but you'll just have to deal with it. Once I get off of this lock down thing, I'll get more material from being out in the world again. Until then, you can look forward to similar posts about other people's lives, and mine at home.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...