Saturday, February 6, 2016


This has been a terribly boring week. I've gone to only one meeting since my other two were scheduled during my free time which was taken away Saturday. I haven't heard one word from any agent since then. I've been too afraid to miss a phone call from them on the land line that I haven't even gone down to the basement to work out since, well, Saturday. I'd say this has been similar to Six Days in the Hole, but I had internet and occasional human companionship to keep the days going. Today I get to go shopping and to a meeting. I woke up at eight with the thought of having coffee and typing away for a couple hours before I went out, but there was no coffee in the cupboard, and I cannot simply leave when I want to get a cup. Fuck my life.

I did get a few nice pictures after the Snowing of 2016.

I've been contemplating how to write the story of my first D.W.I. You see, I don't actually remember very much of the incident. Not just because I was borderline blacked out, but because it happened in, I think, 1998. that's half of my lifetime ago, and I spent a good portion of that distorting memories and creating new things to write about.  I don't believe I have enough of it in my memory banks to make an attempt at it. I only know that back then, they weren't very harsh on drunken driving charges and I was given a $400 fine and credit for a week served in jail. No probation.

So what to write about... I really want to spend a few posts on my trip down to Fort Meyers to watch the Twins in spring training. I will do that, but not until my friend Seth gets the pictures to me, which shouldn't take too long.

So, what have I done with my Saturday? A lot, actually. I did finally go downstairs and workout on my NordicFlex that my awesome aunt Connie gave to me. I'm sore, probably because it's been a few days with no action.

I did my taxes! Yep, I'm a real citizen again. I was afraid to do them for very good cause: The student loan people will take my refund and know where to come for the rest of what I owe. This means that within a couple months, when I can finally start to afford to save up enough to make a deposit to move out on my own, they will start taking money from my paychecks again. It's a back and forth battle between us, it has been for years. I get a job, they find me. I lose a job, get a new one and don't file my taxes, I win! Then I go to prison and they are helpless, I like that part. But I knew it was time to get this part out of the way. I know I owe, and it's time to accept that responsibility. It's interesting that I made so little last year that my refund is substantially more than I even paid in taxes. Of course I wont see any of it, but it's going somewhere that it needs to be.

And finally, I checked up on that parking citation I received a couple weeks ago. Not as bad as I thought it would be, it's a total fine of only $57.50. I can and will live with that. I'm still going to call and contest it just to see if they'll knock off one of them and then pay either way. Every time I've contested a ticket in Saint Paul, they've been more than generous by completely removing the citations. I think they just like people showing up and talking to them.

So this post hasn't really been about anything, has it? Maybe it shows progress. Maybe it's just me going on about daily life which you may find altogether boring. Either way I like writing about any and everything I do. Every now and then I'll put out a gem and I hear positive feedback and that's what keeps me going. So, goodbye for now, and I really look forward to starting my post(s?) about Fort Meyers.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...