Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fat to Fit?

I can’t say that I’ve been incredibly busy, but I’ve had more going on that usual which has left less time for writing. I will try to find more time to do that, I promise. My readership stats have plummeted which has prompted me to write something before work on this fine Wednesday morning.

I’ve had some troubles staying focused on exercise since my release from boot camp where P.T. was mandated. It’s easy to get up at 5:20am and run when a prison guard says that if you don’t, you can’t go home. Now that I’m home, it’s nice to sleep until 7:00 and spend my morning drinking coffee and hanging out with Willie. Well, that has all changed.

At least for now, it has. I finally purchased a gym membership at La Fitness. It sat me back a bit but I think that may have been the motivation I needed to get going on a workout plan. As I sit here this morning with my coffee and computer on my lap, I can hardly bend my arms. The first couple times I’ve maybe overdone it.

I don’t know how some people can never run and then just get up and go five miles. I think even after four months of running at boot camp I went seven laps one time. That would have been the one and only time I went that distance. I’ve been happy with a couple miles to start out on the treadmill. I was thrilled that I found my breath right away, but was unhappy with how much I was sweating. I hate sweating. I would prefer to run in a freezer, or in winter, or never, but I must keep it up if I want to lose some weight which is the goal of all of this.

After running I’ve been going down to the weight training area and doing some light lifting. I don’t like free-weights mostly because I don’t know anybody there and I’m such an introvert I wouldn’t dare strike up a conversation with a stranger because surely I would look like an idiot. Also the free-weight room is filled with guys that could probably lift my car whereas I would be happy lifting the bar. Anyway, I do burnout sets which is where you start on let’s say 100 pounds and do 10 reps’. You go down ten pounds and immediately do ten more, and so on. By the time you get down to 10 pounds your muscles are on fire and it feels like you’re trying to lift the whole stack. It feels great, but I’m paying for it now.

In other news, there sure is a lot going on with this 6-month sentence for a rapist. I’ve posted a few times my opinions on light sentences for sexual assaults. You know, the idea behind such harsh prison terms for first time drug offenders is that they get the message. Well, I got it. So, why can’t the same theory be applied to rapists? I just don’t get it, and apparently judges don’t either. But before you write your rant on what should happen to this college swim/rapist—and there are a lot of them all over Facebook—maybe take a little time to write (or copy and paste as has become the median these days) something to the survivor. Or, all survivors. It would appear that she has been lost in all of this. As far as the case is concerned, what’s done is done, the sentence will not be overturned. I like that society has banded together to make sure his name is being dragged through the mud, but don’t forget who’s already been hurt. She has years to go, and seeing his face all over social media will assuredly make it worse. She knows he’s a rapist, and she knows she’s been raped. Now work with that. Post something inspirational, something she, and all survivors, can relate to. Read her victim impact letter first, it’s one of the most powerful tools a victim has, and unfortunately in this case it was overlooked. It’s powerful. If you haven’t read it yet, you may want to sit down in a quiet place to do it, and bring a box of Kleenex. I’ll leave you with that.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...