Saturday, September 24, 2016

Black and White

P.S. There's a button you can push off to the right somewhere to follow my blog. I don't know how it works yet, so give it a try!

Officer Betty Shelby was released from jail on Friday on $50,000 bond for the charge of manslaughter. Just so you know, that’s $30,000 less than my bail for having a handful of meth. Is it because she’s a woman? Why didn’t anybody ask that. Why do they think it’s because she’s a woman that she was charged? I think it is because she shot at a man with his hands up in the air, and could not have perceived a threat. It’s not murder because there was no premeditation, but that’s about it. She’s not a murderer, literally only by definition.

I’ve read that people were shocked at how quickly the charge was brought. Nobody I know that’s been through the wringer as I have would think that it was fast. I was charged in under an hour with a crime that was just barely pieced together. They didn’t catch me selling, but they charged me with it. Now, I’m over all of that, I’m just trying to make a point. This lady killed somebody and got paid to sit at home for nearly a week before being allowed to turn herself in, and post bail. How does anybody justify that? What that says to me is that it’s now official that there are no consequences for shooting unarmed black men.

Truthfully, it is all opinion based. All an officer has to say is that they thought there was danger to their life, another officer, or a citizen, and they can use deadly force. But the other officer chose to use his taser, doesn’t that seem a little more justifiable when dealing with a citizen who isn’t following instructions, or even perhaps seems a little bit confused? Did she think she was holding her taser? I think that’s more likely, although a taser is often brightly colored and has the safety on the opposite side, and it shoots a temporary solution versus a more permanent one, oh, and you grab it from the opposite side of your body. So, there really are a lot of whys and wherefores you should know that you’re holding a potential murder weapon.

From the perspective of a former criminal, I… we already know how much cops can get away with. They’ve been doing fucked up things for as long as there have been badges. It’s really started to pick up again in recent months, probably years. I can’t make any points, only assumptions and observations from the side of the black community. I stated in a previous post that I thought it might be because the media seems to be covering it more these days and our views have changed since, say, the 50’s where I’m sure unarmed black men were dispatched at a similar rate. Now society cares. Or maybe I should say that now more white people care. Because isn’t that really it? This shit ain’t new for black folks, they’ve been getting fucked with for years, I would say maybe even all of history.

I wrote a short post on Tuesday about the mall stabbing, the shooting, and what my boss would say about it. Well, since Tuesday, fucking Tuesday, there have been more questionable shootings, another attack in a mall, and my boss had this to say when an employee asked him why he thought the cop shot him: “His hands weren’t far enough up.” Those are words from a rich white man, who made all of his money off of the hard work of cheap labor. His hands weren’t far enough up. How far do they have to be up to not get shot? And would it have helped if his hands were whiter? I think in the eyes of many, including the people I worked for for the past year, that’s the only contributing factor in probable cause. All you have to be is black. It sounds fucked up, but can you really argue against it?

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...