Friday, March 25, 2016

Jobs Part 4

What started as an idea for one post has really taken off. It's bringing back a lot of memories, and I'm rolling with it. But I do have a small concern... I haven't seen or heard a comment or any feedback from anybody in quite a while, and my numbers are down. Is anybody reading this stuff anymore? I wonder if the subject matter has become boring or perhaps redundant. I don't seek constant approval, but it would be nice to know if anybody's still out there.

So, where was I? Ahhh yes, the gas station. I was let go by an employee, not the boss, because too many drive-offs were occurring on my shifts. "How could that be my fault!" I'm sure I declared. Well, it certainly was, as nearly every gas theft report was forged by yours truly (me). So off I went.

It was around that time that I was arrested for my first felony, and kicked out of the home I was living in. This is also around the time I started drinking instinctively, and had my first run-in with crack and cocaine. Needless to say, my jobs were few and far in-between for a while. I did briefly work at an Applebee’s where I never stole anything, and quit because I hated working there. I then served as a sales clerk at a Mervin’s California where I was fired for stealing, and an Office Max where I was caught red-handed stealing but never fired. I was in the warehouse there the day Gary Anderson shanked the field goal against the Atlanta Falcons in the playoffs.  I left that job to move to Richfield with my girlfriend, where I was hired as a full time employee of the Sherwin-Williams Company. I sold paint as you might imagine, and I did custom color matches which I happened to be very good at. I also forged returns, took paint and supplies out the back door, and even broke in once by driving drunk through the plate-glass front doors in hopes of going inside and stealing a paint sprayer. It didn’t happen, I was too drunk to get my seatbelt off so I simply backed up and drove back down Penn Avenue to my apartment where I probably drank more and floundered in self misery. I was a mess. They did finally catch on to my shenanigans and I was terminated for lying about my felony on my application. Again, they couldn’t actually pin anything on me, so they fired me on a technicality. Shortly after that I was arrested for attempting to burn that apartment down.

For a while I was jobless. Penniless. Homeless. All but lifeless. I went to treatment again. It failed again. I don’t have any clue how long I was lost. I do know that when I resurfaced, I was ready to give treatment a real effort, and that I did.

I went to Hazelden for four months and moved to Florida as part of my aftercare program. I can tell you that for the next four years, I did not steal a thing from anybody, anywhere. I did get fired from The Boulevard restaurant on A1A in West Palm beach for a catering mishap that was not in any way my fault. They needed a head to roll, and it was mine. I quickly applied for a job with Divosta Homes, and spent the next seven months assembling cabinets in an oppressive warehouse. I actually kind of liked it, and the plan was to work there for a while once I went back home to clear up my warrants. But that would never happen. I had to stay in Minnesota, where I got a job with a company that seemed right up my alley. A place where I would spend a lot of time, in a way, giving back what I had so freely taken for so many years. A job that I was so committed to, I moved to Rochester from St. Paul, where I ended up relapsing and going down yet another spiral of disaster. What job? You’ll just have to wait until the next post.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...