Friday, August 26, 2016

A Little of This...

Yesterday one of my agents came to my work for the second time in three days after not seeing any of them for nearly a month. He needed a U.A. and I was happy to provide one for him because I was standing at the urinal about to make uno when he called to say he was around the corner. We had our normal conversation where he asks all sorts of invasive questions while I'm trying to focus on pointing my penis at a small cup in front of me, and a coworker is dropping dos in the stall stage left. It will make a great scene in the movie someday.

Today, when my second of two bosses arrived, he walked over to the large bay door that separates our workspaces from that of our neighbors and opened it up. He then opened the other large door and walked back over to me and said something like, "I wanted to get some airflow going through here since the A.C. is not on today. So, if you see a n****r walking around over there, apprehend him." He chuckled to himself and strolled off.

I really hate how much and how casually the "N" word is thrown around by the owner of our company. This place is a dump, and I hate working here, and both of my bosses are ignorant, racist, and what is truly wrong with this country.

That said, nothing pleased me more than to see the look in his eyes when I told him I was actively seeking other employment, and that I had a promising interview yesterday. My bosses love me because I'm hard working, I've never called in sick, and I've never been late. They have given me raises in appreciation of my hard work, but I simply cannot stand this environment any longer.

The job I applied for at the Xcel Center would only be part time so I would have to continue working here until I'm off of ISR in October, but I think by then I will be ready to immerse myself completely in the culinary world again by finding additional hours in a restaurant somewhere.

What is this job, you ask? Well, even I am not 100% certain. What I do know is that the company, Levy Restaurants, does high volume, high-end catering for large venues, specifically Wild games and other events at Xcel.

Yesterday I had an interview with two executive chefs all dressed up in their kitchen whites and I kept thinking about how nice I look with a chef coat on. Hopefully I will get to wear one soon. I won't know for certain until the 1st if I have a job. I'm sure there are many applicants to choose from, but I think I did well. I will certainly write more on that as it comes.

I'm in bed now. It's 8:38pm on Friday night. Sometimes I wish I had a life, and sometimes I'm happy being a bum.

As I look back on my day, I wonder if I should have said something, instead of nothing, when my boss said what he said. I mean, if I tell him what I think, he will probably stop using that word, around me at least. But then what would I write about?

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...