Monday, September 4, 2017

She 4

This is the fourth and final post in the first series of posts that starts here. There will be more on the subject at a later date, but this will be all for now as there is content you don’t need to know, I don’t want to share, or she doesn’t want me to write about. For now…

The only thing missing from her marriage was a divorce. Although she had checked out of the relationship with her husband, they still lived together and he expected honesty and loyalty from her without reciprocity. He found out by prying into her phone records and tapping into her Facebook Messenger account. Needless to say, he was upset, and he took it out on her with a verbal assault.

But this post isn’t about that. The message of this blog is one of positivity, and even though I have a lot to say about the events and the ways in which they transpired, I need to focus on the now, and the happiness that has raveled between us two.

Putting him (the toxic thing) out of our minds, we resolutely turned our thoughts to each other, because we make us happy. Saying we is tough in that sentence because at the end of the day, she still had to go back to a home they both shared. I cannot imagine how tough that was for her, but she made it through and someday, I hope to share with you how it all went down.

I watch you pass by the kitchen window. I want to reach through and kiss you when you smile at me. You make my light shine even without your presence. Every day I have with you is a gift and our moments together become more precious as time passes. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Tu me tues.
This song.

We continued our coffee daytes. (Microsoft Word dislikes the word daytes, so it underlines it in red to notify me that I have not spelled a word properly, but we agreed on that term last night when we spoke on the phone. It’s like a date, but during the day which works out better for a mother with two children that works an alternating day/night schedule.) And we talked on the phone—a lot. I’m not a phone guy, so at first I was worried that I wouldn’t know what to say, but it came naturally, and we got Bluetooth earpieces so we could safely talk to each other on our respective rides home, often talking well into the night. When I’m on the phone with her, it’s not the same as being next to her, but it helps. I’ve never been short for words, and our conversation is filled with laughter, love, and levity. Of course, there are serious moments, too. Aside from a trip out of town for her, we have conversed over the air waves every day since I got her phone number, and I have never wanted to put the phone down (except for when I’m at the gym or tired. Or I don’t have my earpiece because it’s stupid and I lost it. I mean, why the fuck are those things so small? Why don’t they have like a homing beacon or maybe even a little bell on it like a cat might have?).

Two months in and she tells me the thing no guy wants to hear this short distance into a relationship. “Vince, I’m pregnant.”…….

Hahahaha. No, I’m just fuckin’ with ya’. Get your minds right.

I don’t know where this will all lead. This is just the beginning of a story of two complex characters coming together in this thing called life. I do know that I will do everything I can to keep this moving forward because I like her a lot and the feelings keep escalating every time I see her, and I’ve been given all of the signs that the feeling is mutual. I hope to write much more on the subject of us in the future, but for now, I will go back to blogging on an occasional basis. It’s been fun.

Life. To be continued…

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...