Friday, September 8, 2017

He 2

This is the second in a series of posts--not written by me--that starts here.

I am a firm believer that everything in life happens for a reason.  Though the timing of an event or meeting someone in particular may seem inconvenient, God has a plan for everything. I hope that by sharing my story it can motivate or encourage someone in their own life. This is a story about she, meeting he, and him giving her the courage to find strength and break free.

So where did we leave off…oh yeah, you spoke to me in French. I’m not sure what you said at that exact moment, but I know that I smiled and it felt good to smile. The following day or somewhat close to that you asked if I’d like to hear a joke. I thought to myself, so this guy is cute and funny. I don’t quite remember what the joke was about, but I laughed because it was stupid. Something you would find on the back of a Laffy Taffy label. You told me that you would present me with a joke daily and in turn I was to do the same. Day after day we exchanged jokes, laughed, and that was our thing.

While lying in bed one night unable to fall asleep, I decided to stalk you on Facebook. I went through your pictures and explored your life like a creeper (or what I could, due to your privacy settings) and right then, up popped a friend request from you. My heart skipped a beat and I pressed accept.  

The situation with my husband during this time was at one of its better moments. He was on his 4th try of sobriety and from what I knew of, was sober. He didn’t attend treatment, but said he was attending group AA meetings, therapy, and undergoing shock therapy treatments. Now, if he did any of these I don’t really know. I carried on with life and pretended I was happy. I think I made myself believe that this is what happy was. I told myself awhile back that if I ever did decide to escape my marriage and move on, I would have to find a person that met a long list of qualifications I had created. One- he had to be sober.  Two- he had to adore children. Three- he had to be an honest and trustworthy. Four-He had to make me smile. Okay, so I guess the list wasn’t too long, but all of these things were a must. 

I clicked the link to your blog post and soon found out that you had an extensive and colorful past. The first blog post that I read was titled 3 and had an opening quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and give thanks constantly. And because all things contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.


I was relieved to find out that you had been sober for three years. You had overcome many of things that I was currently dealing with, just in a different form and I felt compelled to reach out to you. I knew that you could help me. I sent you a message over Facebook Messenger asking if you wanted to meet for coffee. My heart pounded as I waited for you to respond.

To be continued…

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...