Sunday, December 18, 2016

Spare Bricks

I was able to take three whole days away from writing on the last “break” I took. I thought I could go a week, but events transpired and I thought it was necessary to get it all written down. That said, I really do need to take a little more time away from this blog to do some heavy-duty editing of the first year (roughly) of the original blog, which will then be available in e-book format for sale to the general public for a reasonable price. Included in this book will be some new material, new ideas, and all of the classic posts from word one in a cold hard prison cell in what seems like a century ago. This idea has been kicked around for a while, but it all finally became real in a series of Google Doc’s emails I got last week from my cousin who had done some serious proofreading and commenting and moving around of posts to turn it all into chapters in book format. Now all my mother and I need to do is reword a few hundred things, add some content before and after, and spend a lot of time looking for grammatical errors of which there were plenty in my early writing. We have our work cut out for us, so they say. Who? Er… Whom? No, who says that? They do.



A final thank you to the people who were kind enough to donate to me GoFundMe campaign: I raised a total of $379 which I put toward the expense of my camera that I am now in possession of. I got the one I wanted: a Sony a6000 series. It’s truly a beautiful camera, and I look forward to taking pictures everywhere I go. I thought of photographing trees, or the icy mist that hovered above the lights this frozen morning, but then I had a thought that all of that was irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and I have a much better idea; you will see. It will take a few days for me to get the next post out, but something tells me it will be mostly visual.

I’ve spent maybe an hour over the last couple days trying to figure out all of the knobs, buttons, and dials on this fancy camera, all without the aid of the instruction booklet, but I think that very booklet might just have some valuable information in it. It turns out the battery needs to be inside for the gadget to work. That’s my technology joke. I thought the lens cap witticism was played out years ago, so I desisted from its use.


In just six days I will be heading off to California for Christmas. The only thing I’d like to change about that last sentence is the number; it’s cold out there this morning. I’ll be leaving Friday and coming back on Tuesday. It’s a short trip but I think it will be quite fulfilling. For those of you who don’t know, I’m flying out there with my cousin and her boyfriend to stay with my aunt and uncle in San Diego, which in English is a slurry of Sant’ Lago, and Saint James. I’ll be flying back solo which is when the plane crash is most likely to occur, and I will be going right back to work the next day. It’s all going to happen quickly, I’m glad I have a new camera to record it all.


Alright, I’m done with my second cup of coffee, and it’s time to get this day rolling. I have a lot to do as I have had very limited time away from work this month. I wish you all the best this holiday season, and thank you all again for your continued readership, and occasional comments; they keep me going.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...