Wednesday, December 21, 2016

One for the Road

I'm at home. All is quiet, even the mice. The mice are quiet because I bought mouse traps last night, and two of them worked right away. My roommate, whilst anxiously sitting the night away in the living room, watched them as they formed a food-brigade from a hole made in the ceiling earlier in the season by a black squirrel, to the various cupboards and drawers in the kitchen below. He told me this daybreak that they were quite acrobatic. Well, not acrobatic enough to avoid altogether the traps we craftily set up ahead of time. This morning I discovered that one large mouse had dragged its own body from the kitchen cupboard to the living room, just outside my bedroom, while under the constriction of a spring-loaded trap around its bulbous neck. He was a fighter, but in the end, we won. I did actually think about taking a picture of that mess to prove the great quality of my new camera, and then I thought better of it because it wouldn’t really fit the theme of where these next few posts are going.


Where are these next few posts going? Well, Arden Hills, St. Paul, Woodbury, and San Diego, CA. I’m going to show you, my faithful readers, what means the most to me these days, starting with a couple pictures of my grandparents, and my dog, Willie. In that order because that is the order in which they were taken.

These are my grandparents, Jim and Sue.


 This is my main man, Willie. That carpet is real, and I live with it every day.

I’m not a photographer, and I don’t understand most of the settings on my camera yet, but I will soon enough.

This here is a picture of a sundog that appeared just after opening the box to my camera. This is the very first picture I took.


It will be nice to have the addition of this photographic element to my blog. It will give another angle to think about when I’m lost for words, and can’t keep things going. And it will let me start recording all of the important things in life that seem to keep happening in succession, allowing me to look back one day to when I was just starting life over.



I’m done with work for the day, and the week. In fact, I’m done working for a week. I’ve been going hard all month—I’ve had only three days off in December—and am ready for some R&R. This will prove difficult with Christmas and a vacation upcoming, but somehow I’ll manage.


Since I won’t see most of you (and in many cases I don’t even know you) until after Christmas, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Holidays. I hope you are spending time with the ones you love, and the ones who need your love. As far as me, well, I’m in a place where I’ve felt more love around me than I have for most of my life and it feels really good to be me.

My next post will be from California. Peace out, suckers!

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...