Saturday, December 19, 2015


I'm officially the owner of a vehicle again for the first time in years. And for the first time in many more years, its fully legal. I haven't paid for insurance in a very long time, but now I do.

It's not a new car. It's slightly used. Well, very used. Okay it's 14 years old. But its mine. And, to be quite honest, its not very pretty. It looks like it was hit by a deer because that's exactly what happened to it. So there's some work to be done on it, but that's fine with me, I've got the time. It will be my little project. I need to repair a fender, a headlight assembly, and a few other minor damaged areas. It is drivable as is, but I'd rather it looked a little nicer. I only paid $300 for it so if I mess anything up I won't be too worried. I will be completely broke for a little while because of all the expenses that come with buying a car, but I'm fortunate enough to have that problem.

In case you're not aware, Christmas is coming. Now, I don't care at all about religious holidays, but I am looking forward to seeing my whole family together for the first time in ten years or so. I say that knowing that I was the only missing piece to that puzzle for most of that time. I'm a little nervous, but not worried. I have seen everybody so far except for one uncle and one cousin, and they are flying in from CA to join us on Friday. And so far, nobody has made me feel like a piece of shit for the things I have done while I was away, or for simply being away. They still love me.

I'm only two weeks away from the next phase of ISR. The only differences will be seeing my agents less, and my free time per week will double to 16 hours. And now that I have a car I have a whole new world of opportunities. I can't wait to get a gym membership, go see a movie, just aimlessly drive, and my favorite....... Not have to walk half a mile, take a bus, a train, then walk another half mile to get to work every morning. And again on the way home. It eats up a lot of time where I'm not at home which is okay, but I really hate it. So, things are moving forward, looking brighter, and aren't so overwhelming anymore. Yay!

I haven't been writing too much new material lately. I've been thinking about turning it into something completely different, but too many people I know read this and would be deeply disturbed by the things that can come out of my mind. I also kind of thought this blog would be an outlet for me to bitch and complain about the people in my life, but they all read this, too. Ugh. Thank god for my journal. Goodnight!

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...