Tuesday, January 29, 2019


The wind whipped the white snow frantically across the highway in a constant, ever-evolving layer of frustration that changed the lanes and the speed limit in the minds of every other driver I encountered on my way back from the cities today. Sure, it was cold, but the real problem was the wind. There has got to be a name for the combination of the wind and the chill; together they make the cold so much… colder.

As I was taking the picture below, I was thinking to myself that I should probably focus more on driving than getting a good picture for the blog later, but then one of the passengers in the booster seat behind me cheered me on and I knew I was doing the right thing.

The snow and the cold are not major obstacles to my daily life. I’ve never been late to work due to the weather, and I’m off of work tomorrow with pay because of it, so if anything, it enhances my life. This could change.

I’ve been sniffing out jobs closer in distance to my house lately. I’ve submitted applications here and there, and even turned down a few offers (right this moment I just turned down a job at the hospital outside of town.) that didn’t come close to what I make now, including benefits. There is one opportunity that I keep going back to though, one that has me interested and I believe I have them interested as well.

The United States Post Service is accepting applications constantly. They have career, and non-career positions available and I thought I would throw in my name about a month ago for a shot at federal benefits. I took their online aptitude test which got me an opportunity to take a proctored exam in a locked room with cameras and sound-eliminating headphones to ensure I couldn’t cheat. They took my phone and even my Garmin smart watch and sealed it in a bag to be double-sure I couldn’t steal any help from remote sources.

I did well on all of the tests which got me a job offer a few weeks back in Delano, but I turned it down because it was just a part time gig. Last week, Amanda interviewed for a position in Hutchinson which turned out to be only one day a week, but she (Amanda) told me of a full time opportunity and I immediately called about it to see if I could interview for it ahead of time, which I could.

The post office is only ten minutes from my house. The job is for a substitute rural carrier which means that I would cover the driving routes of the carriers who have their days off.  It is more than 40 hours per week which I’m used to, and I would have many opportunities to advance to management positions once I’ve been there for a while.

But, what about that felony? Well, I scheduled a follow-up interview for this morning at which I had to disclose to the postmaster that I have been convicted of animal rape…. No, a drug-related felony, and she said that it’s no problem for the post office as long as I disclose it to H.R. whenever I get an actual offer.

When I do get an offer, I have to take a drug test, give up my fingerprints, and disclose any criminal record for a background test. It’s still not a guarantee, but it helps a lot, she said, to be up front about everything from the get-go. So, I will keep all of you posted on that.

The Unites States Postal Service will not be taking a day off tomorrow (-55°). They brave the wind, the cold, the heat, and the rain. I think I have what it takes to do the same. The benefits are great, the hours aren’t bad, and retirement age for a postal worker is 56. So…

I can see out a good 100 feet, but beyond that is a mystery. Could be pirates, could be kittens. Nobody knows.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...