Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Probably, I Won't Die Soon

I had my yearly physical yesterday, and it looks like I’m as healthy as I should be for a growing young man. I recently turned forty, and I guess I just assumed the doctor would put a finger in my butt, but he asked if anybody related to me had prostate cancer, and I told him that I only knew my maternal side but nobody in my family had prostate cancer that I was aware of. He never asked, so I never suggested that we check. I think we were both comfortable with our unspoken solution to a problem that probably doesn’t exist. We are both problem solvers.

They did draw blood. I do not like having my blood drawn, and I had to lie down and I asked the nurse to use a butterfly needle which she did. As always, it was painless, but my fear isn’t about the pain, it’s about the blood or the needle, or I don’t really know what. This is the fourth time in my life I’ve had blood drawn and it’s only ever told me that I don’t have A.I.D.S., I did have Salmonella, and that my bad cholesterol is a little bit high. I didn’t pass out, but I felt very nauseous and I wanted to run. The nurse calmly asked me about my Thanksgiving plans and talked me down as I’m sure she has hundreds of people like me. She was exceptional at her job.

The Doctor told me that as a result of my bloodwork—and he went over a ton of numbers that I didn’t understand—that I had a 2% chance of having a heart attack in the next ten years, which he said was a good number for somebody my age. He said that the computation doesn’t account for exercise, which I do frequently, so I was in pretty good shape—no pun intended.

He then told me to take off my pants and he fondled my genitals and told me to cough. He said it was standard procedure but I shouldn’t tell anybody. He then lit a candle and said that it actually was necessary to do a rectal exam, and I ended up having what is referred to as an involuntary orgasm. 

Now, as a writer, I am prone to works of fiction on occasion and that last paragraph was mostly that. Every physical comes with a junk evaluation, even in prison. In fact, in prison, it was a lady that did the evaluation of my penis and testicles. I will illuminate the fact that this was an elderly woman and she was just as indifferent about the situation as I was, but still, I never would have guessed that in that environment they would allow such touching. Well, it’s all over now, but it’s nice to reflect on old times.

I should probably keep an eye on what I eat more than I have been. Exercise is only a part of the whole, and I am only as healthy as what I put into my body, which is a lot of sugary and buttery foods. Those food groups are delicious, and I need to find ways to say no to the fats, and yes to foods including and other than salads and rice I can eat that will fill me up and not leave me craving for snacks. Fruit, vegetables, grains, all of the things I normally eat sparingly will now have to be consumed at least twice per day in a meal. I say this but who knows if I will stick to it, especially with the holidays coming up.

Speaking of the holidays, I should take a moment to say how grateful I am for this life and my loved ones. Five years ago I had no relationship with the people that I do now, and I was missing a lot. I didn’t even know the people I live with, and I feel truly blessed to be a part of their lives. Every little thing in my life was uprooted and transformed to create a new being capable of so much more than withering away and dying. I am grateful for this chance at my new life, and I will continue to take steps necessary to keep this new way of living that I never thought possible.

Each day for me is a gift. I shall open each of them carefully and cultivate a habit of being appreciative for everything I receive.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...