Friday, November 16, 2018

I’m constantly trying to improve on what I have achieved and earned over the past few years. I don’t succeed in my goals every time, but I keep trying.

About a month ago, I submitted a job proposal for a position that I believe could be created at my work, with the hopes that I would be promoted and given more responsibility and of course, more pay. I outlined my idea well, and reading it back I see so many uses for myself that could still be added to the pitch, but it’s too late. Last week I was sat down by my boss and an H.R. rep and told no. No more responsibility, no more pay. It was disappointing, but certainly not the end of the world, but no.

I lived in a world of failure for too many years to let something like this get to me. In fact, when I was asked to work an extra day next week, in addition to being denied a day off request for the day after Thanksgiving, instead of saying, “Fuck right off,” I said yes. Because I am now part of the solution in life, no longer part of the problem. It’s often easier to wallow in the “what could have been’s” rather than to continue forward and look for more opportunities to advance myself.

In that meeting, they showed interest in keeping me there for the long-haul by inquiring of my interest in further training of an ambiguous nature. I say that because even they didn’t really have an answer for what that meant yet, but that I would be considered for some advanced training. Maybe they will train me for Space Force?

The old Vince would have handled this rejection differently. Actually, the old Vince never would have tried to advance or think of something to be proactive in career advancement. I spent years being unhappy in every area of my life especially in my work. I love my job now, and I work in a field where the work is plentiful, and if things do stall or get stagnant, I can move around to another restaurant, or maybe even move into a different vocation which would be quite challenging without any type of degree or certificate, or knowledge of anything beyond cooking and writing. I’ve written for almost five years for free, so I think I’ll stick with soup, for now.

I wrote in my last post that this writing thing could turn into something more significant. It’s already published, but not in the form of a book. Every day for a few weeks now it seems we have been making some tweaks, revisions, and adjustments and it seems like a painfully slow process, but realistically it’s taken almost five years to get to where it is now, and we are so close. I really want to show you all the cover we came up with. It looks like a real book. This is an example of how long success can take, and how broad the definition can be.

Even though I don’t currently get paid to write, someday I might. Even though I didn’t get the promotion I invented at work, someday I might. The point is that we should try to be happy with what we currently have, and if you can, try to do a little better. If people don’t let you do better, do it anyway, not for money but for yourself.

I hope at least some of that made sense.

I’ve just come inside from hanging 210ft of Christmas lights around 2/3rds of the house and a tree. I was lucky enough to have had hooks already in place from the previous owners, so all I had to do was move my ladder about a hundred times to get the result I hoped I would. It’s not even Thanksgiving yet, and I am the first person in the neighborhood with lights up. Suck it, neighbors, Vince is in town and it’s Christmas all year now. This is because it’s likely that I will never take down the lights; they are permanent now.

That’s all for now, it’s time to feed the girls and settle in. The snow is coming, winter is here. It’s Christmas, bitch.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...