Saturday, January 18, 2020


4am comes early, 4am to be precise. This morning I awoke to another Minnesota blizzard, and braved the storm to go to the gym as I normally do on my days off. I’ve been a busy boy. I’m at the tail-end of a complete financial makeover. When I got out of prison, I accumulated an incredible amount of debt acquiring a lifetime of needs, and the debt continued to climb when we bought a house. I’m talking about credit card debt; the worst kind. We are at a point now where we no longer need the aid of high-interest cards to obtain our livelihood, so I consolidated all of it into a much lower interest rate loan. I pay about the same every month, but I pay a lot more toward the actual debt.

I have also refinanced the minivan and the house into lower-interest loans. It actually costs quite a bit to lower the payments, but the numbers added up to significant savings over the terms of the loans. The house was appraised at $10k over what it was last time, so we have more equity right off the bat.

I said in a meeting the other night that I was astonished that I was capable of even starting these tasks, let alone credit-worthy. A lot has changed over the past 5+ years, and I am happy to settle into this cozy life for a while before I try the next big thing.

 I should mention that I am still working on the basement wall, which has all of the drywall up and the first coat of mud over the tape. If it weren’t for great neighbors, I would have been lost in a mystery of angles, measurements, and electrical maneuvering. I still don’t yet feel confident to tackle the upstairs bathroom, but maybe when the basement is done, I’ll give the old tile a knock-down.


In unrelated news, I recently became a certified ServSafe instructor and proctor. This means I can teach the course required for the Minnesota Food Manager’s certificate, and administer the exam itself. I suppose the exam is the requirement for the certificate, but I’m not using backspace today, buddy. I have yet to make a certified proctologist joke at work or at home, but it’s coming.

It’s a complicated process, the course management. I haven’t fully figured it all out. There are hundreds of pages of instructions and information that I haven’t quite assembled in my head yet, but I will keep reading until I understand what to do and build confidence to schedule my first class.

As I’ve written in previous posts, I am also a HACCP manager, and I’m still in the works with the Health Department to get my first plan approved. I’ve sent in my third revision, and I have high hopes that his time I won’t have missed any scientific data. I have typed clostridium botulinum so many times, I didn’t even have to right-click on a red underlined mistype to get it right. I had to draw by hand something called a process flow diagram because I am so computer program illiterate that I couldn’t figure out how to make boxes with arrows with words in them. But hand-drawn is an acceptable format for the health department, so I sent it. Maybe I’ll get a gold star or other type of congratulatory sticker for my artwork. I can only hope.


And finally, speaking of congratulations, I am sick of being congratulated for things I haven’t done. Specifically, every day I receive an email from PayPal that congratulates me for qualifying for a 2% back credit card. Looking closer at the advertisement, I’m actually being congratulated for the opportunity to apply. I’ve accomplished nothing, and I believe PayPal is diminishing the effect of the word which should only be used to recognize bronze or higher Olympians. Or, to take this to the extreme, here is a short list of tasks and small accomplishments that I believe deserve a congratulations and a handshake:

1.       Getting a haircut

2.       Using a coupon

3.       Completing a one-season show

4.       Sneezing

5.       Eating most of a meal

6.       Reading this blog post

Congratulations everybody! You really should feel like a winner.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...