Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I Am Kale-Man

I don’t like this. As an adult, I think I should be able to have something better. I mean, it’s crunchy, and there’s meat, but other than that, it’s just horrible. I’m sitting at my kitchen table eating something called a kale salad. Kale is the worst.

As a 39-year-old—somebody who plans to turn 40 in October—I believe I am the healthiest I have ever been in my life. This means that I go to the gym regularly (I do both cardio and weight lifting), and eat sensibly. I’m not that great at following a diet, in fact I eat a lot of sugar and truthfully I love all forms of carbohydrates. It’s like they made this really kick-ass food group that tastes great but makes you fat if you lay dormant. As my former me, I drank all of my carbs and I rarely exercised, so I use that period of my lifetime when I compare my current condition. I should probably elucidate that my actual hale and hearty me existed during and just after my time in prison boot camp where I was forced to run and do aerobics almost every day. I don’t think I will ever have the energy to get back into that condition, so I will just forget I was ever there. Problem solved.

Anyhow, recently I have tried to include more salads into my regime, and most often they are delicious. Tonight, I am alone with the girls, and I had to make my own salad and I struggled. I reason I picked the incorrect amalgamation of components and I ended up with something that could have served well as compost. Imagine an oily, crunchy, lemony, bale of hay topped with foam deli-meat that wasn’t going to make it until next Monday’s school lunch. Now open your eyes. Surprised that there’s no salad in front of you? You shouldn’t be, I already ate it.

This post has absolutely nothing to do with anything useful. I haven’t written in nearly two weeks and I felt compelled to write about something only I didn’t know what until I sat down and ate that dry lemon cactus. I know that I stated a few times that I would keep this blog recovery orientated, but sometimes I just have to write when something bothers me. Kale. This time it was kale.

My girlfriend loves the stuff, and I think some of America likes it, too. It can’t be because of the flavor or the texture, so it must be the health benefits. I can tell you one thing, the day after I eat a kale salad, something happens in the toilet that I would love to spend a few hundred words recounting, but I have family that reads this, and I don’t have the time right now. Maybe someday I will write about my post-kale poops. Until then, you’ll just have to imagine.


Dinner is done and the day is old. I’m still sitting at the table, this time with a three-year-old across from me. She’s chatting away, sometimes to me, sometimes to the invisible table friends she must see. She’s coloring, I’m typing; we are both creating what makes us happy.

The days grow darker and darker, but not in the way they used to. Life is a series of challenges, how we react to them is what defines us. What defines us is what we become. What we are is what we eat. I am a lemon cactus. I am Kale-Man.

Image result for kale man

And Counting

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