Sunday, September 23, 2018

Bed to Bath

Worn and torn, I lazily climbed the three stairs to the breezeway with a diaper and travel bag in one arm, and a sleepy three-year-old in the other. She cried and cried until she slowly faded out to unconsciousness at which point the seven-year-old took over with the cantankerousness until I let her go over to her friend’s house to play. That left me to clean up the living room which had been left in shambles, but it allowed me to do it in quiet which I haven’t heard in a while. It’s a beautiful noise. It's 3:30pm.

There are some days where I ruminate on the single life but truthfully these gals are so imbedded in my life now that I never ponder a day without them, never think of a time I’d rather be alone, and always look forward to seeing them.

Today I went to my girlfriend’s work to pick them up after a long day at the office myself and when I got within 100 feet of the door they both came running at me with their arms wide open; toothy smiles on their grinning faces. I can’t help but smile because it was only a few years ago that I didn’t think I was deserving of other people’s love.

No, I’m not going to write a flashback post. I think I’ve written enough about my past, and I don’t want to get into dark places today, I’m just not feeling that creative right now.


I ended that last paragraph yesterday because I came down with a pretty massive headache. I thought I could sleep it off, so I went to bed after I put the girls down at about 8pm, but I woke up again at 9:30 with more pain. I went to the hall closet where the “good stuff” is (it’s just acetaminophen) and like I’ve seen in the movies, I chewed on five tablets. Don’t ever do that; it’s bitter and chalky. It did work however, and I drifted off to sleep after half an hour or so of positioning my head in such a way that the pain which stemmed from my upper neck might be alleviated. I should have taken a selfie.

I guess that I fell asleep at 10pm and was jolted awake at 10:15 by a bloody nose; ‘tis the season. My brain normally alerts me just before the blood exits my nose and somehow I have the wherewithal to maneuver my body to a nose-up position from my usual side-sleep. So, I rested on my back and continually swallowed my free night-meal until the gush subsided, and all was quiet again. For the third time, I went to bed.

Today is Sunday and I had to work a half day. Two weeks from today I go back to working Sundays instead of Saturdays, which means I will have split days off. I’m okay with it for a while I suppose, but I will miss having two days off in a row. The slow season lasts for quite some time, and it will be a long winter for so many reasons.

In the house, it’s project season. Recently, we made a commitment to have half of a bathroom professionally installed. It’s really expensive, so we will be doing the other half ourselves. The bathtub in our house came modified by the previous owners with a cut-out (I feel like I’m using an excess of hyphenated words today and I like it) and it is the original tub from the mid-50’s and it’s just time to let it go. It requires new plumbing, and a lot of work I don’t know how to do. The other half of the bathroom will still be a challenge and we will need to remove some ugly tile, an even uglier countertop, and possibly move a toilet a few more inches away from a wall. I own a hammer, a couple drills, and a sawzall. I don’t have any nails, screws, and I don’t own any wood or metal to saw, but I hope to utilize all of my tools and more when winter comes. I’m excited, nervous, and ready for a new experience. I will keep you posted.



And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...