Friday, July 19, 2019

PooPee Roofie

For three weeks, my life has been a solid mixture of liquid and semi-solid waste. For three weeks, my life has been filled with frustration, confusion, and bitterness toward our new dog that nearly exclusively uses our house as a toilet.

We got him as an older pup: 14 weeks. By then, most dogs are potty-trained, however we got him from a breeder that apparently didn’t have housebreaking in their schedule, and it’s been a literal mess ever since. His name is Roofus, and he is a beautiful German Shepherd.

Imagine a litter box, and then imagine it without litter, then imagine the litter box as our home, then change it from cats to dog. There you have it; my life of shit and piss.

He also excessively whines, barks, and chews. I have frequent urges to hit him, and I fantasize a situation in which he magically disappears and my life is back to normal. (I know negative reinforcement doesn’t make a better dog. I don’t hit him.) But, alas, we keep adapting to him, and closing off areas of our house to ensure we don’t have to use the carpet cleaner every day. And slowly—almost painfully slow—he’s catching on to the fact that he gets a treat when he goes potty outside. I started going outside as well because I really like the flavor of the treats and I think maybe he will learn faster if daddy shows him what to do.

The first time we left him home alone, we put him in a kennel, and when I arrived home, all sides—including the top—were completely smeared in feces. Roofus himself was caked from head to tail and just getting him from kennel to door left a splattered trail of poo on everything he neared.  I hosed him down. I hosed down the kennel. And I did it all again the next day. On a completely unrelated note, I have a large, shit-splattered kennel for sale. Cheap.

He is loving, kind, and learning obedience. I have him enrolled in an 18-week obedience course where I go for an hour every Tuesday night and learn some basics and into some advanced stuff for the last six weeks. He picks up simple commands rather quickly, and he’s eager to do anything that’s new. We took him to the dog park earlier this week and he did really well.

Willie gets along with him too, which is very important for him. The cats don’t like him, but I think that’s pretty standard. And, the girls love him and that is the most important. He will be our family dog for hopefully a decade, and even though he’s off to a pretty rough start, he has a lot of time to improve. He can really only improve.

It’s about a hundred degrees outside right now and I am so happy I mowed the lawn yesterday. I am stopping this post short to take the girls down to the pool to cool off and have a little fun. I’ll write more later.


Any suggestions on potty training, please let me know.

And Counting

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