Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Uni-Bi-Tri Argument

We all know what a unicycle is, right? It's like a bicycle but with one wheel if you weren't sure. And of course a Unicorn is like a Bi-corn with just the one horn. But what is a unisex bathrooom? Now that is a good question. It's a bathroom designated for use by both sexes, and/or possibly hermaphrodites. Or, are hermaphrodites allowed inside of a unisex bathroom because of their gender duality? I can't tell you, the signs on the wall are only so descriptive.

All of the staff bathrooms at CIP were signed in in that manner and it always bugged me. Of course I couldn't say anything about it to staff there because they didn't have a sense of humor collectively. I wanted to make an argument using a  Triceratops and a Unicorn as examples, but that's as far as I could get the argument going in my head. You see, I often think a lot, but a lot of what I think makes no sense if I try to get it out. Like I can picture a Triceratops in a leotard (unitard) walking into that building and looking inquisitively at the sign and sort of cocking its head at the sign much like my dog does when I ask him a complicated question. But how can I translate my crazy thoughts into a rational argument for a theory that doesn't even matter? I don't know.

I think sometimes that I might be a crazy person. The scenarios that play out in my head, while hilarious to me, would seriously trouble the majority of society, I'm sure. Just the other day in a meeting, I almost had to leave because I couldn't control my laughter as a cross-dresser was sharing and I was picturing sh-im doing a little dance like the looney-tunes frog with a top hat and cane and all. Do normal people think like that? I very much doubt it.

I've wanted to take this blog down a very different road for a while now but my fear is that I will offend people and I will have nobody left to read about my life. I think it's amazing that I have readers at all given what a boring life I lead. I'm running out of the stories that make up my life as it is, but I don't want to stop writing. So what shall I do now?

Well there are a few options. I can elaborate on some old posts. I've never much written on the subject of Dr. Wonderful or the fact that I actually have a brother. Those are definitely worthy of blogging about. So you may find that I jump in and out of my mind as I have the trail through this next phase of my life. I must warn you that you may find what I wrote obscene and offensive, but it will always be real and entertaining. I don't want to hold back the things that I think are holding me back from progressing inside and out. I need to let some things go, and I choose this blog as my platform to do just that.

So, as always, I welcome your thoughts and feedback. I have now made it possible to comment without having to figure out how to follow me.  I hope you continue on with me and my adventures in life and my observations on life. And if anybody has any insight on unisex bathrooms please let me know.

And Counting

I remember vividly waking up at 5:19am, one minute precisely before the lights would come on; the indication that it was time to stand a...